
That first birthday just sneaks right up on you because you've spent the last twelve months getting to know the newest member of your family. You've watched them grow from roughly the size of a watermelon to a small person. By twelve months babies have such personality and are so fun to capture. They do give me a run for my money though, as often they're a bit more mobile than my other milestone sessions. This just offers me a chance to capture more dynamic images of your little one.

By this age infants have developed likes and dislikes and I like to utilize their cakesmash to illustrate their budding personalities. Does your baby love a certain character or type of food? Do they like to play certain games like peek-a-boo or silly faces? These are great things to let me know during your consult so that I can build a portrait session that perfectly represents your child.

That first year isn't just about the baby however, with each addition to a family the dynamic of that family changes. This is a bittersweet experience and so to honor that my Cakesmash sessions include not only formal portraits of your baby and the cakesmash portion, but also parent and sibling poses as well.

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